We promote research and education on metabolism and nutrition

We promote research and education on metabolism and nutrition

 The Lausanne Integrative Metabolism and Nutrition Alliance, LIMNA, is a joint research initiative created by the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne (FBM-UNIL), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), and the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV). LIMNA aims to promote research and education on metabolism, nutrition, aging, and all associated diseases, such as obesity, diabetes or cancer, in the Lemanic area.


All the details about futures and pasts events

LIMNA organizes symposia as part of its efforts to promote collaboration on, knowledge exchange, and research advancement in the fields of metabolism and nutrition.

All the details about futures and pasts events
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What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is a complex set of chemical reactions that occur within the cells of living organisms to sustain life.

Metabolism is a complex set of chemical reactions that occur within the cells of living organisms to sustain life.

What is nutrition?

Nutrition is the process by which living organisms obtain and utilize the substances necessary for their growth maintenance and functionning.

Nutrition is the process by which living organisms obtain and utilize the substances necessary for their growth maintenance and functionning.


LIMNA serves as a network for collaboration and exchange

Our network serves as a platform for the open exchange of research and ideas, and acts as a catalyst for new collaborations.

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LIMNA news & more

Relaunched & reconnected: LIMNA IS BACK!

We are happy to announce that LIMNA, the Lausanne Metabolism and Nutrition Alliance, is back to business with a fresh scientific board, new research ventures and … great LIMNA symposia! As you notice, also our website got a major make...