Relaunched & reconnected: LIMNA IS BACK!

We are happy to announce that LIMNA, the Lausanne Metabolism and Nutrition Alliance, is back to business with a fresh scientific board, new research ventures and … great LIMNA symposia! As you notice, also our website got a major make-over now!
For those who do not remember, LIMNA is a joint initiative to create and strengthen interactions and collaborations between Lemanic groups and units concerned with metabolism and nutrition research or applications. In addition, LIMNA members are strongly involved in the scientific education on metabolism and nutrition. LIMNA is sponsored by the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne (FBM-UNIL), the Cantonal University Hospital of Vaud (CHUV) and the Swiss Federal institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL).
Our first LIMNA symposium after the relaunch was held with big success on September 26, 2023, on the topic of “LIPIDS AS MEDIATORS OF CELLULAR AND ORGANISMAL FUNCTION”. On May 21, 2025, we will repeat the adventure with a great line-up of speakers on the topic of “Organelle communication and signaling”. More details will be available very soon.
The LIMNA board members are:
Francesca Amati, UNIL
Carles Canto, EPFL
Giovanni D’Angelo, EPFL
Ping-Chi Ho, UNIL
Alexis Jourdain, UNIL
Marlen Knobloch, UNIL
Coordinator: Ulrike Toepel, UNIL